Misc : Q & A on Operating Systems

•T/F: Microsoft Windows is a System Software

•T/F: Database Management Systems are System Software

•T/F: Device Drivers are System Software

•Microsoft Word is an Application Software

•True or False: Operating system provides a kernel and Shell/Interface software (among other things)

•T/F: Cars do not have any Microprocessor and Cars cannot have any Operating System

•What do you mean by an Operating System (OS)

•Why do we need an Operating System

•What are the functionalities that an OS provides.

•True or False: System Software and Application software are the same.

•T/F: A Car can have OS

•What do you mean by Resource Management in OS

•What are four primary areas an operating system Operates

•What are some security enforcement features of an OS

•What do you mean by Hardware Abstraction?

•T/F: Providing Frameworks for developers to develop software without dealing with the details of hardware

•What are some components of an Operating System

•Service vs System Libraries

•System Software vs Application Software

•System Software vs Utility Software vs Application Software

•Types of OS interface Available?

•Is Linux Shell GUI Based?

Terminating Process in Linux

Kill a Process

•kill PID


•Kill –s 9 pid

•Kill -9 pid

•kill -15 PID

Process Control in Linux

Important Notes

•System Processes

•usually run

•in the background

•Use & to start

•a process to the background

•Use fg

•to bring to foreground

•Ctrl+z takes to background

Power Shell: Stop Process

Stop-Process -Name “notepad”

Stop-Process -Id 3952 -Confirm –PassThru

calc $p = Get-Process -Name “calc”

Stop-Process -InputObject $p

Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.HasExited}

Get-Process -Name “lsass” | Stop-Process

Power Shell: Process


Get-Process winword, explorer | Format-List *

Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.WorkingSet -gt 20000000}

$A = Get-Process

$A | Get-Process | Format-Table -View priority

Get-Process pwsh -FileVersionInfo (did not work)

Get-Process SQL* -Module

Ref: Internet/Google – MS Sites

Linux ps command

ps x

ps -e

ps aux

ps –u username

Some Web Administration Tasks

systemctl start httpd
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl restart httpd
systemctl restart mariadb

systemctl enable httpd
systemctl enable mariadb

Monitor Process in Linux

Monitor Process in Linux




Who Monitors Processes?


•Developers as needed


•start, stop, restart, status, kill

Linux Shell Script: Until Example

How to execute Power Shell Scripts

•powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file .\hello.ps1

•Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force;

•Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force;

•set-executionpolicy remotesigned